PASS the NREMT Exam!William-Brown-Signature-150

EMT PASS Client Feedback

“I have just received my results from the NREMT and I passed!!!
I used Bill Brown’s app EMT PASS and it helped tremendously! I appreciate you guys and all that you do, thank you for your help!”
–S. Brown

“I passed my NREMT exam and want to say thank you.
I took what you said at face value, and learned how to think – and that got me through that, and I know it will also benefit my patients.
–B. Herman

“This app is very tough and really tests your knowledge – but teaches at the same time time.
The guy who wrote the national test breaks down each question, but  doesn’t “BS” you, and knows what he is talking about. This app doesnt give you a false sense of confidence to just help you go fail the certification exam, but really breaks down EMS and really preps you to pass the exam.
Hands down, the best option to spend money on for EMS exam practice material.”
–C. Wield

“Highly recommended. I passed the NREMT in 70 questions.
This app will light a fire under you. It puts you to work and it makes you think. I feel it was worth every cent.
Oh, and dont forget to Read the book…😧”
–S. Howland

To send us your feedback, please use the form below

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