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Education Biography


After discharge from the USAF, Bill resumed his prior military occupation as an employee of the Erie Lackawanna Railway. In the summer of 1972 he was promoted to Railroad Engineer.

Promotion certificate to Locomotive Engineer

He enrolled in Youngstown State University in the fall of 1972, but maintained full-time employment on the railroad during his college career.

Bill did not know a single student when he entered college.

Bill with Student Council members
Bill with Student Council members

At the end of his second year of college, however, he was elected Student Government President.

NREMT Board Member
NREMT Board Member

He served as President for two years. This was a time-consuming period in Bill’s life, one in which he had to balance work life, employment and student life. However, he was successful in managing and prioritizing his multiple responsibilities.

Bill served on many University committees including:

  • Student Center Board of Directors
  • Student Activity Fee Distribution Committee
  • University Senate
  • Athletic Committee
  • Committee to Acquire Funds to build the Stambaugh Football Stadium
Youngstown State University Vindicator Award for Best All-Round Student
Youngstown State University Vindicator Award for Best All-Round Student

During Bill’s Presidency, the University Administration desired to relocate a famous “rock,” which for many years was painted numerous times for promoting student activities and campus life. Mr. Brown opposed this “move” and petitioned the University Board of Trustee’s on behalf of students and alumni. A University Board Committee adopted Bill’s recommendation and located the “rock” in the center of campus where it rests today. Bill was later called “the man who saved the rock” at YSU. The rock continues to be painted nearly every week by a student organization.

In 1976 Bill received the Youngstown Vindicator Award as YSU’s “Best All-Round Student.” He was one of only six graduates in 1976 to receive the University Pin.

Mr. Brown graduated from YSU in 1977 with Associate Degrees in Police Science and Nursing. He then continued his education and obtained Bachelor of Science Degrees in Nursing and Law Enforcement Administration.

Graduate School

In the fall of 1977 Bill entered Indiana University in Bloomington, Indiana. In 1979 he received a Master of Science Degree from IU with a major in Health and Safety Education. During the time Bill was in graduate school, he worked full-time as an Emergency Department Nurse at Wishard Hospital, in Indianapolis, Indiana. It was during his Wishard Hospital experience that Bill became aware of and gained an appreciation of the capabilities of prehospital care provided by the very well educated Wishard Hospital Paramedics. Some of these Paramedics remain his friends today.