PASS the NREMT Exam!William-Brown-Signature-150

AEMT PASS Features

EMS Student certification review app AEMT PASSAEMT PASS is the best preparation product on the market to assess and improve performance on the National Registry of EMTs Advanced-EMT certification. William E. Brown, Jr., retired Executive Director of the NREMT wrote all practice test questions within the application. Additional information on Mr. Brown’s background and the AEMT PASS application can be found on this website.

Practice Test Questions

There are 520 practice test questions within the AEMT PASS application. Below are some of the features:

  • The test questions mimic those found on the NREMT exam.
  • There are five (5) practice tests over the same subject matter as the NREMT exam.
  • Subject matter practice tests can be taken after a subject has been covered in class.
  • The five subject matter practice questions contain audio debriefings spoken by Mr. Brown that explain the rationale for the correct and incorrect answers for every question in these examinations.
  • There are two 135-item “simulation” examinations that provide those who purchase the application a meaningful score that can help them determine if they are ready for the National Registry examination.
  • Questions are present that represent an adequate sample of EMT knowledge similar to those that appear on an NREMT Advanced EMT examination.
  • The tests within the applications can be taken at leisure and the test can be restarted when time permits.
  • Those who use the application will improve test-taking skills.

NREMT review app aemt pass

The AEMT level of care is fairly new to EMS and most often misunderstood.

There are a wide variety of skills that AEMTs can use in the United States. This application follows the AEMT National EMS Education Standards; the same standards used by the NREMT in it’s test development.

Subject matter practice tests

There are five subject matter tests that all contain audio debriefing presented by Mr. Brown:

  • Airway, Oxygenation and Ventilation
  • Cardiology
  • Trauma
  • Medical
  • Operations

AEMT PASS comprehensive NREMT review

These tests cover both EMT and AEMT knowledge providing the advantage of an EMT self-assessment. (Often the cause of why someone fails the AEMT examination).

Two “simulation” examination

These examinations are balanced to the same test plan used by the NREMT. The items within the examinations have been calibrated and thus present a meaningful score that can assure confidence over the knowledge base or direct further study. A score debriefing is presented based upon performance that will direct further study or recommend sitting for the certification examination.


Many people fail the AEMT certification examination due to weaknesses over the EMT content domain.

AEMT PASS provides an adequate sample over both the EMT and AEMT domains.

Mr. Brown, who as Executive Director of the NREMT, sat on hundreds of NREMT item writing committee’s, wrote the items. Students will become test wise regarding item style, clinical content and recognizing incorrect answers. No AEMT candidate should sit for the certification examination without having already proceeded through the practice test questions presented in this application.


Available in both Web and Mobile formats.

Using a new server-based delivery system, students may use the mobile version before class and then when they return home, use the Web-based version to find all of their prior work synchronized seamlessly.

The server-based approach also helps users manage audio files. Users can choose to stream or download audio files, which is helpful when disk space or bandwidth are a concern. Necessary app revisions due to changes in science or scope of practice are instantly reflected on the user’s device.

AEMT PASS Highlights

  • 525 Review questions
  • 5 major areas of study: Airway, Oxygen and Ventilation, Cardiology, Trauma, Medical and Operations
  • Two, 135-question practice NRAEMT exams to test your overall knowledge and prepare you to take the NRAEMT.

USD $19.99

AEMT PASS may be purchased immediately upon course entry.
